It’s Time To Love Yourself Again

          With one-on-one guidance and group support, you've found a safe place to dig deep and nurture your inner self.

Tired of Feeling Like You’re Not Enough?



If you feel like no matter how hard you try, it's never good enough, you're not alone.

 This is an incredible community which is a safe space where you get to explore your intuition, your creativity and you get to build a life that you can actually enjoy instead of being bottled down by your day to day routine and tasks.

With interactive lessons for your mind, body, and soul, you'll learn how to disconnect from the world around you and connect and care for the incredible person you are inside. Embark on a journey to your most empowered self with The Future Self Club. Our platform is a sanctuary for those seeking transformation through personal development. Here, we blend ancient wisdom with modern strategies to unlock your full potential. Dive into our courses and coaching programs designed to challenge your perceptions, awaken your inner strength, and guide you towards a life of purpose and fulfillment. Are you ready to meet the future version of yourself? Explore The Future Self Club and discover the path to your ultimate transformation. Because you are so worth it!




Learn how to disconnect from the noise around you and tune in to what's happening in your mind, body, and soul. We'll teach you how to: Clear your mind with meditation Connect with your body. Align your vision with your reality.
It’s time to nurture yourself like never before. Start everyday with looking forward and set goals that align with who you are inside. With clear goals and guidance you will create a road map to  living the live you alway dreamed of. 



Through 1:1 coaching you are guided how to recognise and heal those unconscious thoughts, beliefs and feelings that keep you bound and invite them into a space to be explored, expressed and released so you can rebuild yourself.Are you ready to reconnect with the sacred soul within and rediscover your inner power? Are you ready to step into your courage and make your dreams your reality?Are you ready to discover your authentic expression and show up in the world knowing you are more than enough exactly as you are?I’m here to guide you and support you along your journey. Whether you know your starting point, need direction, or are interested in exploring deeper connection with yourself and gain deeper understanding of the world around you and you would like to know how we can work together get in touch. 

Through the little but subtle shifts you recognise over time that your are on the right path and what once felt “impossible” suddenly becomes divinely possible.

 We use cognitive behavioural therapy, journaling, mirror work to help you reprogram you neuropath ways.

 We do guided visualisations and meditations to harness the power of your subconscious mind.  

 Embodiment work

Movement, experiencing and embodying at the core of this program and in working with the feminine. 






Get to know yourself. You will learn how to tune it all out and turn your attention inward.

Learn what self-love looks like and how to incorporate it into your daily routine.

Learn how to connect with others and still value the unique individual you are inside.

Bring the inside out. Show up as the most authentic version of yourself every day.

Looking forward. Set life goals that align with who you really are inside.

With clear goals create a road map to the life you’ve always dreamed of.



Group coaching offered by The Future Self Club, provides a unique blend of support, community, and shared learning that can significantly enhance the growth journey of its members. Here are some key benefits:

Collective Wisdom

In a group coaching setting where you will benefit from the diverse experiences, insights, and perspectives of your peers. This collective wisdom can offer multiple solutions to common challenges, enriching the learning experience far beyond what one might achieve in a one-on-one setting.

 Enhanced Accountability

Being part of a group creates a sense of accountability that can motivate you to stay committed to your growth goals. Knowing that others are there to support and follow up on your progress can be a powerful motivator to stay on track and push through challenges.


Group coaching provides access to expert guidance and support at a fraction of the cost of individual coaching sessions. This makes personal development more accessible to a wider audience, ensuring that more individuals can benefit from high-quality coaching.

 Building a Supportive Community

The journey of personal development can sometimes feel lonely. Group coaching offers a built-in community of like-minded individuals who are on similar paths. This sense of belonging can be incredibly comforting and empowering, providing a safe space to share, learn, and grow together.

 Increased Engagement and Motivation

The dynamic nature of group coaching, with its discussions, activities, and shared experiences, can lead to higher levels of engagement and motivation. You are more likely to be actively involved in the learning process, leading to deeper insights and more significant transformations.

Learning Through Observation

In group coaching you can learn a great deal by observing the experiences and coaching of others in the group. This indirect learning can provide valuable insights and perspectives that you might not have uncovered through your own personal coaching sessions alone.

Expanded Networking

Opportunities Group coaching sessions bring together individuals from various backgrounds, industries, and life experiences. This diversity offers rich networking opportunities, allowing participants to connect with others for both personal and professional growth.

Reinforcement of Learning The group setting allows for ideas and lessons to be reinforced through repetition and shared experiences. Hearing others discuss how they've applied what they've learned and witnessing their growth can reinforce key concepts and strategies, making them more memorable and easier to apply. By leveraging the power of group dynamics, The Future Self Club's group coaching programs offer a unique and powerful approach to personal development, providing participants with the tools, support, and community they need to achieve their fullest potential.




The future self club is created with purpose and passion, a space that not only offers the opportunity to connect with like-minded people, it also provides you with the resources to empower you on your life journey. Allowing you to learn and self-develop, take part in wellness opportunities and much more without fear of judgement. With access to
Private Facebook & Discord community
Guests experts workshops
Live zoom calls
Live Q&A 

Best of all you get the opportunity to pick one topic each month and be supported and empowered so you never have to feel alone again.
Awaken your inner passion, heal the binding shadows of the past and transform your present. Begin living life from the authenticity of your soul and experience the beauty of the freedom that comes from knowing and loving yourself.
Mentorship, Healing & Coaching
Practical Methods & Classes
Regular Live & group events

Opportunities to build friendships and inspire each other 
Exclusive learning materials. Members have access to exclusive courses, classes and resources that are not available outside of our community. Learn how to tune out the chaos of daily life and tune into the peaceful and content soul hiding within. This experience includes interactive lessons and live practice on how to activate your inner wisdom, connect with yourself and bring bliss, abundance your life and discover inner peace.







Join our community and learn how to tune all the noice out and turn your attention inward. Learn what self-love looks like and how to incorporate it into your daily routine. Learn how to connect with others and still
value the unique individual you are inside. Bring the inside out. Show up as the most authentic version of
yourself every day. 

Learn to trust and believe in yourself.

 Start seeing yourself in a new light, by finding your own light. Changing the relationship you have with yourself. 

Begin to know, see and love yourself. 

Rewrite your story. 

Heal your past, own your present and create the future that  you always wanted.

Change the relationship you have with fear.

Develop practices to nurture your Self-Worth

Identify your core needs and values, explore the boundaries to support your self-worth.

I had several one to one sessions and Libby has helped me tremendously. She can combine intuitive coaching and healing with NLP and it creates unique blend of teaching and Healing all n one session. Would highly recommend working with her. I'm truly grateful I have found you

Susan N


After just a few weeks of working with Libby, I’ve made some massive shifts in my mindset and my daily routine. I’m hopeful for the new future I’m creating.

Sherry M

I absolutely love the community and all the resources. With the live group sessions I receive healing as well as valuable guidance on my self discovery journey. Looking forward to next session. 

Vania K


Thinking back now when I was reluctant that I could do everything on my own, by myself and wouldn't allow any help. We all need help every now and then. Working with Libby has been so easy and changed my view on life and I can now ask for help instead of struggling in silence

Sam B











Have you ever felt like something is missing in your life? Like no matter how hard you work, you are always behind where you (or society) think you should be?If so, then the Self-Love Mastery community is definitely for you. We'll help you tune out the world around you and break down your walls. Once you've gotten to know and love who you are on the inside, we'll teach you how to nurture and protect that person as you go through your daily life. If you're seeking a safe and nurturing space to embark on your self-development and healing journey, then the answer is a resounding yes! Our community is perfect for individuals who are ready to prioritize their growth, connect with a supportive network of like-minded peers, and explore new paths to self-discovery. Whether you're looking to heal from past experiences, cultivate new skills, or simply find inspiration and motivation, our community offers the guidance, resources, and encouragement you need to thrive. Join us and discover a community that understands and supports your unique journey towards personal transformation





Welcome to The Future Self Club: A Journey of Transformation Hello and welcome! I'm the heart and soul behind The Future Self Club, a sanctuary dedicated to those embarking on the most important journey of all – the journey within. My name is Libby I am a certified life coach, counsellor, CBT and NLP master practitioner, Akashic Records and Ancestral healing practitioner also certified in Past life regression and Shadow work. I'm a member of the Complementary Medical Association and the International Institute for Complementary Therapists. My passion for personal development and self-love has not only transformed my life but has also inspired me to create this space where like-minded individuals can come together, grow, and flourish.

My Story:

My journey wasn't always paved with clarity and purpose. Like many of you, I found myself at crossroads, questioning my direction and seeking deeper meaning in life. It was through embracing the very principles of self-discovery and self-love that I found my calling. This transformation led me to realise that my experiences weren't just for me to keep but were meant to be shared as a beacon for others on similar paths. I've spent over 10 years developing my skills. As a passionate being with a deep desire for continuous soul expansion, my journey has led me to exploring many different healing techniques and lead me to coaching. I have created my own unique way that blends different teachings and practises that I have learned over the years. I want to help more people master their own reality. Discover the feeling of calmness, gain clarity and learn how to live a more vibrant, fulfilling life because your happiness, peace and joy matters.  


How was The Future Self Club created ?

The Future Self Club is more than just a platform; it's a community built on the foundation of compassion, understanding, and growth. I believe that everyone has the potential to unlock their true self and lead a life filled with love, joy, and fulfillment. Here, we journey together, supporting each other through every step of self-discovery and self-love.

My mission is simple yet profound: to empower you to become the best version of yourself. Through expertly crafted courses, coaching programs, and a supportive community, we provide the tools and guidance necessary for personal transformation. Whether you're looking to heal, grow, or simply embrace who you are, you've found your tribe.

Join Us If you're ready to embark on this life-changing journey, I invite you to join us at The Future Self Club. Together, we'll explore the depths of our beings, uncover our true potential, and build a future where self-love and fulfilment are at the core of everything we do. If you're ready to walk away from your own limiting beliefs and build a life you love, I am ready to lead the way.

 Welcome to where your transformation begins. Welcome to The Future Self Club.




Embrace Your Journey to Self-Love


Discover Your True Self:

Our community is a sanctuary for those on a journey of self-discovery. If you've ever felt lost, uncertain about your purpose, or simply wish to deepen your understanding of yourself, you're in the right place. We provide the tools, resources, and supportive environment to help you uncover the most authentic version of yourself.

Cultivate Self-Love:

At the heart of our mission is the belief that self-love is the foundation of a fulfilling life. Our community is designed to guide you through the process of embracing your worth, nurturing your well-being, and celebrating your uniqueness. Through expert-led workshops, insightful content, and heartfelt support, we'll help you build a loving relationship with yourself.

Transformative Experiences:

Join us for exclusive access to transformative experiences that inspire growth and self-acceptance. From interactive webinars to personalised coaching sessions, every aspect of our membership is crafted to support your self-love journey. Whether you're seeking healing, growth, or empowerment, our community is here to uplift you every step of the way.

 Supportive Community:

You're not alone on this journey. Our community is a vibrant, welcoming space where individuals from all walks of life come together to share their experiences, challenges, and victories in self-discovery and self-love. Here, you'll find not just support and encouragement, but also deep connections with like-minded souls.

Take the First Step:

If you're ready to embark on a transformative journey towards self-love, our community is waiting to welcome you with open arms. Let us be your guide as you explore, embrace, and celebrate the incredible person you are. Join us today and discover how self-love can change everything.

This is more than just a membership; it's an invitation to transform your life through the power of self-love. If you're ready to explore the depths of your being and embrace all that you are with love and acceptance, we're here to support you. Dive into a journey of self-discovery and love that will illuminate your path to personal fulfilment.



Are you ready to embrace the journey of self-love? Join us and let's embark on this beautiful journey together.



All The Tools You Need To Build A Successful Life  Full Of Fulfilment  



Discover the feeling of calmness, gain clarity and learn how to live more a vibrant, fulfilling life because your happiness, peace and joy matters. 

Join women all over the world on this amazing journey of self discovery and self love through the power of a real uplifting community.  

Become a member to get unlimited access to community that is ready to support you every step of the way. It’s the fastest way to feel the full benefits of living a balanced life.



                     Everyone’s journey is different. Find the right package for you:


With our monthly membership you will have 


Elevate Your Journey: Unlock Unlimited Growth with Our Exclusive Membership!

Ready to embark on a transformative path of self-discovery, healing, and personal growth? Dive deep into a world of boundless possibilities with our exclusive membership, designed to support and empower you on every step of your journey.

What Our Membership Offers:

Access to a treasure trove of resources, including guided meditations, healing workshops, expert-led webinars, and transformative courses to nourish your mind, body, and soul.

Weekly live sessions with guests practitioners and coaches, where you can receive personalised guidance, support, and inspiration to overcome challenges and ignite your inner light.

A vibrant community of like-minded souls who are on a similar quest for growth and healing, providing a safe space for connection, sharing, and mutual upliftment.

Exclusive discounts on special events, retreats, and products that will deepen your practice, expand your knowledge, and enhance your well-being.

Take the first step towards a life of abundance, joy, and empowerment by investing in yourself and joining our transformative community.

Embrace the journey of self-discovery, healing, and growth with us as your trusted guides and companions.


6 Months minimum commitment with all memberships





 We  understand that everyone's journey is different and if you are not ready for a membership we have a variety of other options for you. From one to one coaching to customised coaching  programs that are tailored specifically for your needs regardless of what stage you are in, during your journey. We have live events that  are open to everyone and guests speakers that can bring a variety to our teachings. 

All the tools that you need to experience deep healing and reconnect to lost parts of yourself are covered in our sessions. I will help you understand and eliminate your limitations from the core and align with your true purpose whether you seek counselling or deep spiritual healing. If you need help to heal and release patterns that are part of your DNA and are passed down to generations I can also help with that.

From Akashic Records reading and Ancestral Healing to Counselling, CBT, NLP you can choose the best approach that suits your life journey. 






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