£159.00 GBP

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1:1 Remote Coaching and Counselling Session


With the One to One session you will get 65 min intuitive coaching session delivered via zoom. I'm Certified in Counselling, CBT, NLP. 

If you are ready to take radical responsibuility then 1:1 coaching is the right step for you. With combination of transformative healing and intuitive guidance, mindset techniques and strategies that will help you get aligned with the deeper parts of you. Allowing you to live a life in alignment with who you really are and experience lifes journey from a place of content, confidence and inner peace. 


What People Are Saying:

"Thinking back now when I was reluctant that I could do everything on my own, by myself and wouldn't allow any help. We all need help every now and then. Working with Libby has been so easy and changed my view on life and I can now ask for help instead of struggling in silence" Jessica S

Jessica S

"After just a few weeks of working with Libby, I’ve made some massive shifts in my mindset and my daily routine. I’m hopeful for the new future I’m creating."

Sherry B